Do you feel authentically You and aligned in your day to day life?

Is it time for you to tune into yourself and rediscover what makes you YOU?

Are you ready to embrace your true spirit, so you can be your best and thrive in life?

To be Authentically You; you need to know who you really are.

I’ve discovered that unless you really know yourself, it’s almost impossible to get clear on what you want or where you want to go. Your intentions, goals and vision are affected by who you are at your core.

It’s not your fault that you may have lost sight of YOU.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the managing, navigating, processing, and doing of our lives; that we forget who we TRULY are and what matters most. It’s only when we take the time to stop, breathe, and reconnect with our soul that we can really know ourselves. It’s only in really knowing ourselves that we find the clarity and wisdom that we crave.

Everything begins with YOU. Knowing, embracing and being the “real” You is what enables you to thrive and live true.

Knowing who you are at your core is key to empowering yourself to live aligned and design your best life.

To be Authentically You; you need connect with your true spirit.

Here are 5 ways to get started:

# 1: Listen To Your Heart & Soul  

One of the first things I ask my clients to do is to create a safe place where they can retreat to just be with themselves. It can be an actual, physical space or an imaginary one. Place whatever you need in this space to make yourself feel safe and like “you.” Once you have everything you need in place, it’s time to get grounded.

Take three deep breaths and allow yourself to settle into your body. Close your eyes and imagine yourself exploring this space; feeling safe, loved, protected and open to receiving the answers you seek. Give yourself permission to receive whatever images, ideas or wisdom that comes to mind. Jot them down to reflect on later. This is one of the ways your soul talks to you.

# 2: Uncover Your Core Values And What’s Important To You

One of the best ways to get in touch with your heart, soul and what makes you “YOU” is by identifying the things you value most. How do you feel about yourself and your life? How do you want to feel? What are your top priorities for living a happy life?

Your personal values will show you what really matters in your life: creativity, growth, freedom, fun, impact, honesty, loyalty, family, friendship, love etc.     

Make a list of the ideas that come to mind. Reflect and access. Ask yourself if those values feel true for you right now. Commit to incorporating them into your life. As you plan each day, ask yourself if your schedule and to-do list reflect your top values.  If not, adjust.

# 3: Define Who You Really Are

Think about how you’d you describe yourself. Who are you really in your heart & soul?

I want you to think about who you are on the inside. Remove your role as mom, wife, friend, entrepreneur, volunteer, and any other identity that you connect to. Remove the things you do, the actions you take and your accomplishments.  Remove how and where you live. Remove your association with anyone else.

Think about the person you are at your core and embrace her. Think of who you want to be, who you believe you were created to be and claim her. Envision her (your most authentic self) standing before you and describe the very essence of her being.

Start by listing all the different traits that you love, admire and respect in yourself and others. Choose the top 3 characteristics, personality traits, feelings, qualities that you like to incorporate more of in your personality.

For example: Become more peaceful. Become more fun. Become more decisive.

Journal any ideas and thoughts that come to mind. Choose your top 5-10 ideas that embody you. That’s your Snapshot of You and your truth.

Create 1 small action step for each that you could take towards becoming that person now and do it.

# 4: Design How You Want To Live: Day by Day

This exercise is your chance to get creative. You can even create a vision board for your day, if you want a more visual approach.

Remember, this is a fantasy day that you get to create. There are no limitations at all. Don’t get trapped by the constraints of your life now. This is your story to write any way you want.

Be as specific as you can. Imagine what you’re doing, seeing, feeling, touching, and tasting throughout the day.

Describe your Ideal Day from the moment you wake up until you go to sleep at night. Think about a day that you could live all the time and experience joy, fulfillment, purpose, freedom and more; a day that would be positive for you and those around you. Here are a few questions to get you started.

Where do you live? Who do you live with? What is the weather? Do you work and where? Describe your home, your clothes, the food you eat. How do you feel? What do you see when you walk around your neighborhood? You get the idea. Your answers will probably be a combination of where you are now and where you want to be.

# 5: Treat Yourself With Love, Kindness And Compassion

Be nice to yourself. Talk to yourself kindly. Treat yourself well. Engage in activities you like. Have fun. Bring happiness into your life from the inside out, don’t chase it through other people. Self-care is a necessity and people who feel good about themselves don’t need to look for validation from others.

Honor your feelings and emotions. Be vulnerable and honest with your feelings and emotions.  You have the right to feel scared, happy, sad, angry, joyful, kind, shy, passionate, depressed, energized etc. It comes with the package of being human.

To Be Authentically You, you need to live your truth day to day.

Tuning into yourself gives you a better understanding of who you are, who you’d like to become and what’s true for you. However, it’s doesn’t end there. Once you know your truth, it’s time to live more authentically as YOU. Make daily choices, take daily actions, and create daily habits that support the things that matter most to you. It’s about being bravely, boldly, and beautifully “You” in everyday life.

Here are some quick tips to help you do that.

  • Know it. Name the things that are important to you now.
  • Claim it. Look at your life and how your choices, actions and habits may or may not align with what you value; and who you want to be.
  • Plan it. Make a list of all the ways that you’re willing be more authentically “You” in your daily life. Circle the ONE thing you’ll start today and find someone to share it with for accountability.

The more connected you are to your authentic self and tuned into you; the easier it is to live as YOU. The YOU that can align with your truth, thrive from the inside and design your best life.

Some final thoughts….

Stop waiting for “someone else” to give you permission to be YOU. It’s time to bloom; boldly, bravely, and beautifully into who you were created to be. Deep in your soul you’ve always known who were, what made you special and what you are here to do. You just forgot.

Rise up and choose to be your highest and best self. Be your own kind of beautiful. Declare your unique purpose and place in the world. Share your heart and soul. Be the designer of your life and the decorator of your own garden. Know your worth and value. Embrace your imperfections.

Say YES to who you are and recognize that you were made to THRIVE; unapologetically!


If you’re feeling up to it, I’d love to hear from YOU.

Which of the ideas above resonates with you most? Do you have another favorite you’d be willing to share?

Leave a comment below and share what’s on your mind.

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Remember, you were made to thrive,


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Are You Ready To Live Your Truth?
  • Identify what “Thriving” means to you.
  • Discover what you really want.
  • Remember your gifts, talents and strengths.
  • Clear your path.
  • Make You a priority.
  • Create a plan to move forward.

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